to sell your music worldwide, simply upload your .wav audio file(s), enter your titles, incorporate your artwork, and select the platforms you want.
add collaborators and specify your royalty splits.
relax as we take care of the rest and send your tracks to the various streaming services.
celebrate when your tracks go live.
access valuable tools at no cost, including playlisting, marketing, and promotion
monitor real-time statistics and withdraw your earnings once they’re credited to your account by the streaming platforms. collaborators can join for free and receive their share by accepting an automatic email invitation from Uplink Music.
access individual sales reports for your songs from various digital sales providers such as Spotify, Apple Music, and more.
monitor artist performance by store, country, or genre. daily sales reports are available from participating stores (Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, iTunes, and Youtube Music).
ensure your other band members and co-writers are paid their fair share.